Our Stories

I am still reflecting on stories, people's personal stories. Authentic stories. Dictionary.com defines authentic as not false or copied; genuine; real; representing one's true nature or beliefs. That right there is what I am passionate about. Discovering our authenticity and living life accordingly. There is beauty and magic in authenticity. In my last post , I shared about connecting with others through stories, we can also connect with our true selves through our stories. Working with our stories through introspection, reflection, and sharing can lead to profound healing and freedom. So what is your story? Without judgement of what went wrong or right, what is your story? Not just bits and pieces, not your opinion, just the story. Without telling what you think people want to hear, and not because you want people to feel or react a certain way, what's your story? How does it make you feel? Are you sharing the whole story? Can you tell your stor...